I.CO.N (Inclusion in COmmuNity), is a Greek non-profit educational organisation in Rodos that offers a broad spectrum of educational and social activities. ICON focuses on the image of the other; hence „icon“ means image in Greek language. ICON designs activities that promote empathy, through the image we have of ourselves and others around us. ICON aims to hug all the images and enhance a mosaic of diversities. 

ICON uses non-formal education 
  • to support personal and professional development and thus increase employment 
  • to encourage multilingualism and integration of cultures 
  • to promote active citizenship and volunteering
  • to stimulate creativity and new ideas for entrepreneurial initiatives 
  • to encourage protection of nature and animals and respect for the environment 
  • to suggest a healthy lifestyle for personal well being 
  • to provide educational opportunities at rural areas and disadvantaged regions for people with fewer opportunities 
  • to endorse the elimination of stereotypes 

ICON Greece was initiated as an informal group of educators and students aiming to enhance inclusion in the school community –for students with special skills, different cultural backgrounds or belonging to vulnerable groups as Roma, foreign, repatriate, refugee. 
  • At local and regional level, ICON implemented volunteer activities and educational projects at Secondary Schools in Rodos at the context of extra curricular activities. 
  • At national level, ICON designed and implemented training, awareness campaigns, workshops, meetings and events related to child protection, environmental education, inclusion, European identity, collaboration and other similar social issues. 
  • At international level, ICOn has been coordinator and partner in Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships and Erasmus Youth Exchanges. The projects are related to Culture, Inclusion and Gamification in education.